Removal Process

Training Modules
Before the absorbent pad is removed from the patch, it is required that the observer put on a new pair of disposable gloves. Single use tweezers must also be used to remove the absorbent pad and place it into the specimen bag.
Once the Sweat Patch I.D. number has been checked, and the patch examined, request that the donor pull down one of the top corners of the Sweat Patch.
Using a gloved hand, pull down the top edge of the film half way. Remove the single use tweezers from their pouch. Tightly clamp the tweezers on the absorbent pad and in one fluid motion, pull up on the pad as you pull down on the film to remove the absorbent pad.
Promptly place the pad inside the cellophane specimen bag. Do not include any portion of the film, ONLY the pad is to be placed inside the specimen bag and submitted to the lab for analysis.
Affix a bar code sticker from the chain of custody form to the outside of the specimen bag. Peel off the security seal from the chain of custody form, place the security seal where the top of the specimen bag meets the center of the bag. Write the date the patch was removed on the security seal and initial it. There is a picture of a properly sealed bag on the chain of custody form.
Once the absorbent pad has been properly sealed in the specimen bag and recorded, remove the outside film of the Sweat Patch from the client’s arm and hold it up to the light. Look for needle holes in the outside film. Also notice how firmly the patch is sticking to the skin. It is important to observe and feel the tension of a well-adhered patch, so that you can easily identify a patch that may have been removed and reapplied.
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